Publishing MINISTRies
If you would like free printed copies of books and literature, please stop by Mountain View during services on Sabbath (Saturday) to pick up some reading material! We currently have printed copies of the following available for free:
Full-length books such as Confidence in Chaos, Babylon Rising, Revelation Today, Steps to Christ, and Great Controversy
Pamphlets (approximately 30 – 40 pages) such as Coping with Grief, Dealing with Stress, God’s Eternal Sign, God Will Provide, Mystery of Death, Understanding Hell, and the Faith of Desmond Doss (about the hero of Hacksaw Ridge)
GLOW tracts on a variety of topics (including physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health)
There are a myriad of free resources available online! You can download many free e-books, download or stream audiobooks and sermons, and more! Below are some links to additional free resources.

AudioVerse has dozens of audiobooks available for free! You can stream the audiobooks off their website, or download them to the free AudioVerse app to listen to them offline.
Click here for stories and audiobooks for kids (including Your Story Hour, Discovery Mountain stories, and Pilgrim’s Progress)
Click here for audiobooks for teens and adults (including Ministry of Healing, Last Day Events, Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles, and many more!)

Full-Length Books
The writings of Ellen White, one of the most prolific female writers in history and the most translated American author ever, are now available in 58 languages on the EGW 2 app! Click here to download the app for Android or iPhone/iPad. Additionally, many of her books are available to read online and can be downloaded in various formats (iSilo, Mobi, Doc, Microsoft Reader, etc.) Please see below.
Patriarchs & Prophets
Patriarchs and Prophets is book #1 in the Conflict of the Ages series. This book begins the discussion about the conflict between good and evil. Beginning with the origin of evil, the author then discusses the creation of the earth, the Biblical patriarchs, Israel’s years of slavery in Egypt, the Exodus, and more. It covers the time period up until the time of King David.
The Great Controversy
The Great Controversy, book #5 in the Conflict of the Ages series, opens with the destruction of Jerusalem and covers the major issues of the conflict between Christ and Satan as seen in Christian church history. This classic spans all the way to the present day – and beyond, based on what the Bible says will take place in the near future.
Prophets & Kings
Prophets and Kings is book #2 in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers Biblical history from the time of King Solomon, down through the additional kings of Israel and Judah. This book also covers the times of the major and minor prophets, including Israel’s captivity and restoration, down to the birth of the Messiah.
For over a century, the book Education has stood as the hallmark of what true Christian education should be like. It discusses “the unique and challenging idea that ‘the work of education and the work of redemption are one,’” and gives practical examples on education. These principles are still as valid and useful today as they were a century ago.